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Apply Here

How to Apply?

Send the following information to our email and/or

1.- A complete English cv with a presentable photo

2.- Your personal motivation including learning objectives

3.- Your university's internship objectives

4.- The preferred term

5.- You have learned about the internship service offered by InternBali

​​Requirements & Conditions

- You are a student enrolled in a university program

- You have reached the minimum age of 18

- You are aware that an internship is unpaid acc. to immigration law no. 6/2011

- There is a service fee attached to arrange you this program, please check our service and rates page


InternBali is powered by PT. SII

Kirana Two Office Tower

Jalan Boulevard Timur No. 88,  10a floor, Kelapa Gading Timur, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta

Tel: + 62 8 129 408 1153​


© 2023 by PT. SII

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